26 March 2012

Does Staying in Your Real Estate Comfort Zone Threatens?

Have you ever imagined of getting closer to a multimillion dollar deal and completing it? This would be the ultimate dream for any real estate investor and many of them would think that its just going to be a dream even when its really achievable. Only very few investors go after big deals.

Most of the real estate investors have a thought that if they make a mistake in closing big deals, they will be sued several pounds. This make them feel that they must have a perfect credit to buy these million dollar homes and so they exclude themselves from pursuing high end deals. They only deal with lower range houses and the people who own them.

There is a belief that people who own luxury houses will get divorced, lose jobs and sell the house quickly. These high end houses are just like other small houses. Even these high dollar properties can be put under contract and financed creatively just like any other house.

But most of the investors avoid them and in turn their dreams can't be achieved. All real estate investors should understand that owners of high dollar properties who experience problems will look for an experienced investor who can provide the solution they need. When a real estate deal is done properly, the seller will get their house sold, bank gets their loan, buyer gets a house and the investor can make profit.

Investors can set up a marketing system to track these million dollar deals and target high end houses alone. When you get lot of calls from motivated sellers with high end houses, you can complete lot of million dollar deals.

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